Searching for a strategy to gain serenity?

Have you been feeling anxious or even feeling like life is ‘out of control’? These feelings are common to people these days. Several things can contribute to these feelings. One of these things is listening to the negative news happening in the world. You can’t control the news.

Also, it’s easy to focus on what you don’t have – the lack in your life. In addition, there may be a tendency to get stuck in the regrets of the past or worrying about the future.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to get rid of these bad feelings and, instead, feel in control of your life and have peace and serenity? Of course! So, we’ll share a simple strategy that has helped, and continues to help, millions of people to find serenity.

This strategy is free and available to everyone. It’s the Serenity Prayer, one of the most famous prayers in the world. The Serenity Prayer is commonly associated with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other twelve-step programs. Also, we believe this prayer can be helpful to everyone in today’s stressful world, not just those in twelve-step programs. The prayer goes like this: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

The origins of the prayer can be traced back to theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, who published a version of it in a sermon in 1934. However, the version that’s so well known today was likely adapted and popularized by AA in the late 1930s or early 1940s.

AA co-founder Bill Wilson was thought to be instrumental in bringing the prayer into AA. He was impressed by the prayer’s message of finding balance between accepting hardship and having the courage to change. This mindset perfectly aligned with AA’s goal – to help people accept their disease and surrender to their lack of control over it, and to find the strength to take action to change by staying sober one day at a time.

The Serenity Prayer reflects some of the philosophies of not only AA, it also reflects a few of the principles and philosophies for living a fulfilling life and achieving serenity. Here they are:

Acceptance – In AA this means accepting powerlessness over alcohol and inability to control drinking habits on one’s own. For those with or without addictions, acceptance also means letting go of past self-defeating behaviors, resentments, self-pity, and regrets.

Courage – Find the courage and willingness to change what can be changed – to take actions that lead toward sobriety and eliminating bad behaviors. Have the bravery to admit our faults, make amends, and start living a fulfilling life.

Wisdom – Grow in spiritual wisdom to know what should and should not be changed. Understand that some hardships are beyond one’s control and to accept them rather than fighting battles that cannot be won.

Surrender – Let go of the need to control everything. Surrender control over addiction and other negative behaviors to a higher power.

Balance – Find equilibrium between accepting, changing, and surrendering. Know when each is appropriate.

The Serenity Prayer is helpful because it neatly sums up many of AA’s core ideas – acceptance, courage, wisdom, surrender and balance. It can also serve as a model for anyone looking to live a better life, not just for those suffering from addictions.

The Serenity Prayer is also as a reminder of when to change behaviors, when to let go of resentment and control. For those faced with hardship, the Serenity Prayer offers comfort. It helps them to avoid dwelling on what cannot be changed and instead encourages focusing energy on moving forward with wisdom and courage to gain serenity.

What about you? Are you feeling a sense of dis-ease, or of not feeling in control of your life? If so, consider reciting the Serenity Prayer and even posting it where you can see it as a reminder. The Serenity Prayer has been a source of strength for millions of people for many years. We invite you to put it to work for you, too. You might be amazed at the results!

Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at WeCare@SharingLifesLessons.com

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