Let’s make every week World Kindness Week!

What’s a gift that keeps on giving? How would you answer that question? There are many great possible answers and today we’ll talk about one of them. So, what is it? It’s Kindness. The reason we picked Kindness is because this is World Kindness Week. It’s ironic that this would be World Kindness Week with all the conflicts that are going on throughout the world today – World Kindness is really needed!

What is the history of World Kindness Week? On November 13, 1997, several humanitarian groups came together to make a Declaration of Kindness. What started as World Kindness Day evolved into World Kindness Week. The goal was to encourage everyone to perform acts of kindness. We think it would be a good idea to expand this to World Kindness Year or even World Kindness Decade. It’s obvious that we could all use a lot more kindness and a lot less conflict!

Why Kindness Is Important
Practicing kindness has many benefits. Practicing kindness has been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, improve emotional wellbeing, and even strengthen the immune system. It helps build a sense of community and connection at a time when many people are feeling isolated and divided. Simple acts of kindness remind people that we’re all in this together and that we all yearn for understanding. Henry James realized the importance of kindness when he said. “Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.”

Kindness encourages more kindness. When someone does something thoughtful for us, we’re more likely to turn around and do the same for someone else. This creates a ripple effect of compassion that spreads broadly. We all have the power to ignite that chain reaction. The opportunity to accomplish that is unlimited. This concept is not new. Seneca, an ancient stoic philosopher in Rome said, “Whenever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.”

Jamil Zaki, Professor of Psychology at Stanford, did studies showing that when people just observed kindness by others, it inspired kindness. Zaki suggested kindness “spreads like a virus”. Kindness is contagious, in a good way – with no harmful side effects! Witnessing acts of kindness releases endorphins and oxytocin, a feel-good hormone which helps reduce inflammation, a contributor to many illnesses.

Kindness is a core value that we can strive to express each day. When we’re kind to others, we send out positive energy into the world. This not only brightens the day of the receiver, but also makes us feel good knowing we made a positive difference. “Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.” Author Unknown.

It’s important to not only do acts of kindness for others, but to also be kind to yourself. That means letting go of self-defeating behaviors and negative thinking that can drag you down. Your brain reacts to what you tell it, whether that’s positive or negative. Physiologically, kindness can potentially change your brain. Being kind boosts serotonin and dopamine, chemical messengers that contribute to feelings of satisfaction, happiness, and well-being.

Ways to Express Kindness
There are countless ways we can express kindness in our daily lives. Here are some ideas:

Smile and make eye contact when passing strangers on the street. A simple friendly gaze can brighten someone’s day. William Arthur Ward said, “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.”

Hold the door open for the person behind you. This small act of kindness shows you care.

Write a letter, email, or text to thank someone who’s made a difference in your life. Pay for the person’s coffee, meal, or groceries behind you in line. Surprise generosity feels wonderful.

Volunteer at a local shelter, food bank, or charity. Donate your time and talents.

Express empathy for those having a difficult time, even if you haven’t experienced their specific struggle. We all have suffered in our own way. Wendy Mass puts it this way, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”

What about you? How do you want to show kindness? When in doubt, lead with compassion. Deep down we all crave kindness. Make the choice to be someone who brightens the lives of others each day. By doing so, we not only can make a difference in the lives of others, but in our life as well.

Scott Adams said, “There’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” Doesn’t that sound good! Let’s make every week World Kindness Week!

Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at WeCare@SharingLifesLessons.com

© Doug and Lynn Nodland 2023 Articles and videos may be shared in their entirety with attribution.