Hope – a beacon of light in times of darkness!

Have you noticed there seems to be an increasing feeling of angst in the world today? There’s more anxiety, depression, and even increased suicide rates. These things can happen when people lose a sense of hope.

Several years ago, we interviewed Dick Beardsley about hope. He’s a world famous marathon runner from Minnesota. In 1982, both he and Alberto Salazar broke the American marathon record, in the same race. Beardsley took some time off for injuries. In 1989, he suffered a tragic farm accident that almost took his life. He then became addicted to pain-killing drugs. Fortunately, he gained sobriety in February 1997.

His resolve was tested in October 2015, when his son, who served in Iraq and had PTSD, committed suicide. In Beardsley’s interview, here’s a quote that stood out, “They say you can live forty days without food, seven days without water, a few minutes without breathing, but you can’t live one second without hope”.

In the tapestry of human experience, hope emerges as a luminous thread, weaving through the fabric of our lives, guiding us through the darkest of moments and illuminating the path to a brighter tomorrow. It’s a potent force that transcends adversity, empowers the spirit, and fuels the pursuit of dreams. Hope, in its essence, is the unwavering belief that better days lie ahead, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Nelson Mandela, a towering figure in the annals of history, once remarked, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” His words echo the transformative power of hope, as he emerged from 27 years of imprisonment to lead South Africa out of the shadow of apartheid. Mandela’s resilience, fueled by his unwavering hope for a future of equality and justice, serves as a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

Similarly, the story of Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel Prize laureate, epitomizes the power of hope to defy tyranny and oppression. Despite facing threats from the Taliban for advocating girls’ education, Malala remained steadfast in her belief that education is the key to a brighter future. In her own words, “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” Her unwavering hope ignited a global movement, inspiring millions to stand up for the rights of children, particularly girls, to receive an education.

Hope is not merely a passive wish or fleeting sentiment; it’s a catalyst for action, propelling individuals to persevere in the face of adversity. Anne Frank, whose diary remains a poignant testament to the resilience of the human spirit, wrote, “I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.” Despite enduring unimaginable suffering during the Holocaust, Anne held onto hope, finding solace in the beauty of the human spirit and the possibility of a better world.

Another person who made the world a better place against all odds was Helen Keller. Despite becoming both blind and deaf at 19 months of age, she learned to communicate. She used her hope of helping others to positively impact many lives. She said, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement, nothing can be done without hope.”

As we’ve seen, hope plays a pivotal role in personal growth and resilience.  In embracing hope, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, fueled by the belief that we possess the strength to overcome life’s challenges.

However, hope is not immune to the corrosive effects of despair and disillusionment. In times of crisis, when the world seems shrouded in darkness, maintaining hope can feel like an uphill battle. Yet, it’s precisely during these moments that hope can shine brightest, offering a beacon of light in the darkest of nights.

When we asked Beardsley how he maintains hope in times of darkness, he replied with four things he does every morning. “I try to wake up with a smile on my face, enthusiasm in my voice, joy in my heart and faith in my soul.”

What about you? What can you do to maintain hope? It may be difficult to do, but Beardsley gives some good advice. We believe the power of hope lies not in its ability to erase the trials and tribulations of life, but in its capacity to give meaning and purpose to our existence. It’s a force that can transcend borders and boundaries, uniting us in our shared humanity and inspiring us to strive for a better tomorrow.

As we navigate the complexities of life, may we never lose sight of the transformative power of hope. Even in the darkest of times, let’s all use hope to be a beacon of light for a better world.

Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at WeCare@SharingLifesLessons.com

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