Freedom of speech: Use it so we don’t lose it!
What are your feelings about freedom of speech? We think you might agree that freedom of speech is important. After all, freedom of speech is a fundamental American value that’s in the First Amendment of the Constitution. It guarantees citizens the right
How is anxiety influencing your life?
Have you ever felt anxious? If you answered ‘yes’ to that question, you’re certainly not alone. Everyone can feel anxious. That’s not surprising because life can be anxiety-provoking, especially in today’s world.
Communication – it’s more than just words!
Communicating effectively is one of the most important life skills we can learn. Communication is how information is transferred to produce greater understanding. Words can contribute to raising, and lowering, understanding, but it takes more than just
Want happiness? Adopt an attitude of gratitude!
What are you grateful for? Some days that might be a hard question to answer. It’s easy to get caught up in the many bad things that are happening in the world. When you watch the news, it’s often focused on what has gone wrong in communities and in
Zap the gap to gain confidence and fulfillment!
Have you ever felt frustrated because no matter what you do, or how hard you try, things don’t go as you planned? If so, you’re not alone. We recently heard a story that’s a good illustration of this dynamic.
Have you been hit by the silent epidemic?
Recently there’s been a lot of talk about pandemics and viruses and the state of our health. But what’s not being talked about much is an alarming, silent epidemic that’s also having huge effects on our health. For this one, you won’t have to wear face
5 ways to survive and thrive with life’s transitions!
Are you currently going through any transitions in your life? If so, you’re not alone. Transition is just another word for change. We’ve all heard the cliché, the one constant thing in life – is change. What made us think about this is we recently got